Sunday, March 1, 2009

Parting Shots....Heading Home

Aloha from Maui.....see you in Chicago

Cold and Windy Sunset Cruise


Ziplining at Kapalua on Saturday. Unfortunately, Gary was having severe back trouble and couldn't go, so it was Terry, Wendy, and me. I don't have pictures of me actually ziplining...just the prelaunch photos.

It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. There were four ziplines, the longest about 1800 feet. It's a good scenic view if you're not too nervous to look. At one, the 1800 foot one, I didn't make it all the way and had to be guy came out and hooked his harness to mine and a couple other guys towed us back in....I had to dangle out there for about ten minutes but at least I had a good view.

So.....ummmmm.....I GUESS this makes me the ONLY ONE IN THE FAMILY to zipline.....maybe the rest of you should try it before you get TOO OLD AND DECREPIT.

Golf at Kapalua